Sunday, July 19, 2009


I came across a problem with someone and I used it to explain the concept of sin. What I learnt on camp has also helped me understand this more. Basically when our relationships go wrong, whether it's between friends, family, work etc etc, there is guilt and shame, as well as hurt. Hurt for the people around you and oftentimes for yourself as well.

So whenever someone sins, even though it seems so minor and insignificant, there is always someone who suffers for it. It’s incredibly unfair that they have to be put through it, but someone has to. Cause, effect and response. In my case, I was the cause of the problem, the effect is our hurt and our changed relationship was the response. Fortunately, this person had the heart to endure the hurt I had caused, forgive and love me still.

Jesus does this for all the people in the world. To do this - to take every single person’s sin away, no matter how great or small can only be done by someone Godly. No mortal can have a heart so big, so pure, so loving and just. This is what it means when you hear words like – for God so loved the world that he sent his only Son Jesus to take our sins away. Even though we are imperfect and broken souls, because God our creator loves us so much and still wants to have a relationship with us, he has made it possible through Jesus. That’s why the way into Christianity is only through Jesus.

It sounds so simple that it’s ridiculous almost, - that to become a Christian the only thing you have to do is accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, and that’s it. For some of us, this act to accept and give your whole complete trust is hard (I know it was for me), but we shouldn't undermine it only because it is made easy for those who need it most.

For most people who are in great need of a redeemer out of fear or out of gain, this is very easy. But I believe that it’s made simple only because of His great love. He is willing to accept those who have no where else to go, who are easy to accept Him due to horrible situations or circumstances. When you think about third world countries, the people are in so bad a position that the only way they can live is to have God there with them. However, it’s because of his immense love that he can accept people like that - that he makes it easy for them to be with him in heaven. Now we, in no way deserve such godly love at all. This is why it’s only by His Grace that we are saved.

Lastly... about mocking unfaithful followers. How can a great religion be filled with so many of them? - Only because the God is loving enough to accept and forgive such unfaithfulness. So rather than judging our fellow Christians and criticizing them (something that we have no right to do - Romans 2), find the heart to help them be holy instead, for we are all sinners.

In conclusion!...(I never get to use this in essays but this is okay because it's a blog!!!) although it may be true that to be a Christian can be very easy, to live as a Christian is very difficult. How we live our Christian life will determine our riches in heaven, and we cannot judge this for ourselves or for anyone else, only God can. Personally I learnt for myself with a certainty that true forgiveness can only be done with love and that it results to a greater and more sustaining love. I know we all read this or hear about this a lot and I hope that we are loving enough for everyone to feel and experience this =).

Spread the love everyone =).

Monday, June 8, 2009

Man and Woman/Husband and Wife

This entry is a follow up on what Josh posted up today…I think I might reiterate a few things too.

So, Jesus says that "at the beginning the Creator made them male and female" (Matthew 19:4). Therefore, Genesis should be what we should refer to first and foremost. From what I have read, it does say that woman is man's helper ("I will make a helper suitable for him" (Genesis 2:18)), but it infers that although they have separate roles they are equal in God's sight.

I found a quote from Matthew Henry that explains this really well. He says, “"Eve was not taken out of Adam's head to top him, neither out of his feet to be trampled by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected by him, and near his heart to be loved by him." (This has been taken out of Genesis 2:21-23)

In terms of their different roles, man should be the leader as mentioned in Ephesians 5:22-33. Genesis also illustrates this since God created man first. However, although woman was made to help and nourish man, it's important to realise that we complement each other. That woman is supposed to submit to their husbands is not "mindless, joyless submission, but active participation and response to loving leadership" (Joshua Harris). Nevertheless, I still think it's important for a wife to play an active part in the values of the husband's leadership, so that they both can agree on it and live by it. This way there is harmony in both parties, as well as a balance.

Today Josh clarified this part for me, saying:
“The male is made to lead, but to lead in a humble, christlike and servant hearted manner. Biblical male leadership isn't saying that the guy is like a dictator or he acts selfishly and is not Christlike, and when it says that women/wives submit to the men/husband, it is saying that on the terms that the man is obedient to Christ and is leading in that manner.
The fact is that, like you say, a lot of men are incapable of leading, and that is why people around the world are having ideas such as 'feminism' and women ordination (female pastors and elders) because men aren't stepping up, so women are taking their places, and reversing the God-given roles for men and women."

It makes more sense now, but my confusion still lies as to why the roles in leading a family have to be done by the husband and to which areas this extends to. I’m also still uncomfortable with the idea of inequality. Take the idea of male being the head of the house. I think that this is a result of tradition and society. Could Paul have written what he wrote simply because at the time, only men held the power?

A woman’s role was not to think and especially not to lead, which makes sense as they were less educated/not educated at all and inexperienced in these areas. Now this is different. Now we have more understanding in such matters, and are capable of fulfilling such roles. Because of this, it makes more sense that there is an equal say by both husband and wife. Both will have their strengths and weaknesses, and depending on this, wouldn’t it make sense that each will lead in their own area, as is needed/appropriate?

Maybe I’m taking this too seriously…I am trying to understand both sides of it though.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Gold Coast

A weekend at the Gold Coast was actually quite pleasant. For once the family only fought with minimal yelling...But then again, mum and dad are pretty much separated now. Meh.
Heh, we went away to celebrate Mum's birthday but we didn't end up celebrating it properly at all. We didn't buy cake, or even have dinner together. We had lunch, but no one ate the noodles (usually everyone has to eat the noodles when it's someone's birthday...i think it symbolises long life or something). Mum said she felt tired, so she stayed at the hotel while everyone else went out. Later she hanged out with her friends.
I'm glad that she has people she can communicate with now. It's a healthy change for her, she's actually doing something more than just watching dramas on the computer, as most asian parents are doing now I've heard =(.

Later in the night Ray, Lynn and I went with her to her church's worship conference. We didn't like it. We all decided that they were almost giving false interpretations of what the bible says. It was more of what I found most christian leaders to be...they preached to what they think is right, and not really give any precise or definitive reasoning. But then i thought about it and maybe it's better for some people. Some people prefer thinking about it in more simple and upfront terms, more because they find it hard to understand it through analysis, and they need someone to spell it out for them. (but then there's that danger of following the leader, as opposed to following God...) Their method was very very direct that it almost seemed personal by the end of it. On the first night, by the end of it people were crying. This one girl was wailing for at least 15 minutes. Yes, wailing. It took ages to calm her down...she was still hysterical when i left. It felt really weird. The leaders were speaking out in tongues while firmly holding to someone's shoulders, and speaking very loudly saying something along the lines of "submit to jesus and you will be filled with the holy spirit!", and after a while the person would fall back, with others ready to catch them when they did. I don't know if it was divine touch or if it was just the result of fervent speech and face-to-face contact. To me it seemed like they were just speaking words that came to mind, as opposed to carefully and well thought-out teachings. But then again, who am i to judge something that i don't really know that well about?

Religion is confusing.

Ah, it's already 1:40am...I think I should probably sleep XD.
Ohhh, lastly, happy birthday Josh =). Oh wait, his birthday is on the 7th hey...oh well!

The party today was really nice. It was one of the few parties I've been to that didn't have that awkwardness around. It was nice seeing the host relaxed and having a good time at his party. Usually he/she is busy walking around and making sure everyone's happy and having a good time, while worrying about the overall plan for the day. Seeing Josh comfortable made me feel comfortable too, as a guest that is. Maybe that's the trick to hosting parties.

Work went pretty well too. I've discovered that teaching is a joy for me. I love the feeling of being able to pass on what i know, and of sharing my passion. To have my students absorb and adopt what i say makes me really touched. I guess it tells me that they're actively listening and that they trust me. I don't know, is this how all tutors and teachers feel? I want to guide them as best as I can. I don't think they know that this learning experience is new for me as it is for them XD.

Right, and now to end my day with sleep XD.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Yes! The food of today was quite delicious! Oishi Sushi is the best =D.
Church was good. The pastor talked about something really relevant today. He was explaining a cyclical pattern relevant to people/countries. I think it was like...

Dependency Mission
Apathy Freedom/Liberty
something here.... Plenty?

Okay, so my memory is not so good...But yes! It's interesting to think that most of us actually do this...and although it looks so easy to just skip the other half of the circle, it really isn't. We are so human.

Katie has come with me to SDBC for the 3rd time now. I think she likes it!
And so far, we haven't been late! We figured out that if we leave at about 9 everything is all good =).

Overall Sundays = great people, great food + sleep